World Languages Day

On the 23rd of September we celebrated World Language’s Day here in St.Paul’s.
Various competitions were run that day to celebrate the diverse languages and cultures within
our school. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competitions and a special thanks to
all the students who speak a foreign language in our school.
Thanks a million to Benas Slekys (6C), Laura Santos Matielo (5A), Antigoni Arvaniti (3A), Emily
Irwin (4D), Alessandro Chiappino (1E) and Venice Villaruel (3C) who spoke their languages
over the Intercom for Guess the Language Competition.
Congratulations to Form Group 1A who won the World Language’s Day competition quiz and to
Maxymilian Zaluski (5A) for winning the Guess the Languages Competition.
A special thanks to all of the MFL Department in St.Paul’s who made the day possible!
Ms. Harrington