Updates for Parents and Students 17/5/22


Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your families are in good health. 

As we approach the end of this school year, I wish to make you aware of the following updates.

A guideline entitled “Tips & Tricks to Surviving the Leaving Cert Exams 2022” is available on the school website by clicking on the Parents/Guardians, 6th years link.

Graduation Mass:

We invite you to attend the 6th year Graduation Mass which will take place on Thursday 26th May at the St Peter and Paul’s Church, Monasterevin. I would advise students who are participating in the ceremony to arrive at 6:45pm for practice, all others should be present by 7:15pm as Mass will begin at 7:30pm sharp.

The Mass is a special occasion where students, parents/guardians and the staff of St Paul’s come together to celebrate the Class of 2022.


The Debs will take place on Thursday 25th August in the Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. It will start at 7:30pm. There is a limit of 5 tickets per student.


Supervised study and classes will take place during the final week of the school term, Monday 30th May to Thursday 2nd June. Students will be informed of these arrangements in advance.

The coming weeks can be a stressful time for both students and their families. Please do not hesitate to contact the school’s Guidance Counsellor for further guidance and support throughout this time.

Finally, I would like to wish the Class of 2022 every success in their upcoming exams and for the future.

Kind regards,

Caroline Murray

6th Year Year-head