St. Paul’s Student Wellbeing & Participation Fair 2024

On Friday, 20th September, St Paul’s Student Wellbeing & Participation Fair took place. The fair consisted of ten student groups including: Student Council, Meitheal, Prefects, Cairdeas, Headstrong, Bláthanna, Diversity, Attendance, Anti-Bullying, and Green Schools. The purpose of the fair was to encourage students to take up leadership roles in their school community.
Both first and second years were the lucky students who were given the opportunity to visit the fair. Students got to ask many questions in relation to the student groups they were most interested in becoming a member of. Questions discussed were roles and responsibilities, key events, commitments and developing leadership skills to name a few.
The event was a huge success as students expressed massive interest in all student groups.
Many thanks to school management, teacher leaders, and all students who represented their groups on the day. Your hard work and dedication was greatly appreciated.
Mr. Martin