Re: First Year and New Parents Information Evening

Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
We are hosting an information evening for parents of first year and new students next Wednesday the 30th of September from 7.00-8.00pm remotely via Google Meet. The invitation will be sent to your son/daughter’s school email account beforehand and they will be made familiar with using this forum in advance.
In these Covid times there are many changes to the schools normal practice and procedures and I strongly urge all parents, both new and those with students already in St Paul’s, to attend this virtual meeting. The evening will consist of:
1. Introduction – Mr Brian Bergin
2. Changes Primary-Secondary – Mr Brian Bergin
3. Guidance & Subject Choice – Ms Deirdre Garrett
4. Year Head Role & Bullying – Ms Tracey Knight
5. Homework, Study & Assessment – Mr Brian Bergin
6. Home School Liaison – Mr Brian O Neill
7. Rules, Procedures & Practical Issues – Ms Mary Mullally
8. Active Student & Extra Curricular– Mr Brian Bergin
This is your opportunity to hear from school management to discover and discuss any issues regarding your child’s education.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Bergin