Rayse the Game

Wednesday the 8th September Ray Langan from ‘Rayse the Game’ gave a motivational study skills workshop to 5th and 6th years. Ray began by motivating the students by his miracle morning techniques. Movement is key to energy. Ray shared positive and motivating quotes-which not only helped the students but the teachers also!
How to get ready to study is best by generating energy and Ray showed us this through movements for all. Study skills can then be applied then to make the best of your time.
- 30-minute slots are the best and optimum amount of time for students to study a topic in. Then take a break and start a new topic!
- Get up and move in-between.
- The studying techniques Ray showed us were gridz-reading for information, highlighting and then inputting the information on a grid format in which you can follow whether it be keywords.
- Create pictures sequences or rhymes!
- The SWOT technique was very popular among the students:
S=Skim & Scan
W=Words (key)
O=One Page
Caractair ( Characters) | Aidiachtaí-Adjectives | Scéal (Story) |
Suíomh (Location) |
Scéal- (Story) |
Tús (Start) |
Mothúchain (Feelings) | Údar (Writer) | Téama (Theme) |
Create a Morning Routine:
- Wake early (Same time every morning)
- Move (stretches/any movements)
- Eat a good breakfast (include some fruit)
- Read/Plan your day ahead (Check you have all your equipment)
- Visualise your day ahead (Set yourself up to achieve)
We would like to thank Ray for a great morning of entertainment, motivational techniques and the invaluable study skills.
Can you all remember the 5 longest rivers in Ireland J
Where focus goes energy flows!
Success belongs to those only willing to work harder than anyone else!
The secret of getting ahead is getting started!
On Wednesday the 8th September Ray lit up the Parents of St. Paul’s screens with great motivating ideas to help them to help their students to study better. Ray spoke of systems to eliminate the phone in the home for periods while studying. Ray urged parents to make theis a household rule so that all the family can benefit.
Creating an area for study that is comfortable and quiet for students to be motivated and creating an atmosphere to be productive was high on Ray’s priority list. Ray promoted study intervals of 30-minutes so that one does not burn out or over exhaust on one topic. Ray also explained the importance of movement and exercise to parents as if the bodies are active the minds can be more active! Ray promoted the use of technology for the correct reasons and for parents to take interest in their student’s interests in technology. Ray urged parents to listen and also change the negatives into a positive. Ask students why and how can we help instead of why are you not studying! Ray has changed many students and parents relationships towards school and study. Take on board Ray’s ideas.
Can you the parents remember the 5 longest rivers in Ireland…. Were you listening!
On behalf of St. Paul’s we wish to thank Ray for his time and efforts.