Organisation of the JCSP Programme
JCSP Core Team
The JCSP Core Team consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Heads of Literacy and Numeracy Departments, Learning Support/SEN Teacher, Home School Community Liaison Coordinator, School Completion Programme Coordinator, Behaviour for Learning Teacher, Programmes Coordinator, Leaving Certificate Applied Coordinator.
Meetings of this group take place every 3 weeks, throughout the school year. An agenda of each meeting will be sent in advance to all members. Minutes of each meeting will be sent to all members. The JCSP Coordinator will chair the meetings and set the agendas. Staff will be informed of decisions made within staff meetings and forthcoming events/initiatives via e-Portal and regular communication with specific teachers.
The Principal and the Co-ordinator will be responsible for the application for JCSP Initiatives, following consultation with the Core Team and relevant members of staff. Planning for initiatives and celebrations will be completed by members of the Core Team as well as those teachers coordinating the initiatives. A timetable of proposed initiatives will be available in Term 1 of the school year.
Staff Induction
The induction of new teachers to the programme will be the responsibility of the JCSP Coordinator.
Subject Statements
Students’ Subject Statement Folders will be stored in the school for use by teachers and students when required.Teachers in conjunction with their subject departments will select the subject statements to be taken by their students. Teachers are encouraged to complete the statements with their students within the classroom on a regular basis…in line with the six Reviews throughout the school year. Completion of Subject Statements in this way can occur in conjunction with formative and summative assessments of the students and so enhance assessment for learning of the students. Support will be given to teachers in the process of completing and tracking statements. In third year the Core Team/Teaching staff and JCSP Coordinator will be responsible for reviewing the subject statements and completing the final profiles.
Final Profiling
Profiling of 3rd Year students will take place in Term 3 with the class teachers and the JCSP Coordinator facilitating the submission of subject and cross-curricular statements to JCSP National Headquarters. A Final Profile Celebration will take place later in Term 3 where students will be awarded their ‘Junior Certificate School Programme Student Profile’. This will include Certification of participation in JCSP by Department of Education and Skills, a list of all statements achieved and an individual school reference.
Review of Programme
The evaluation of the programme will occur at the end of each school year. Evaluations of Initiatives involving input from students and teachers will be submitted to JCSP Headquarters annually. An informal evaluation of the JCSP Programme will be conducted in the final Core Team Meeting of the year. Parents will complete a questionnaire at the Final Profiling Celebration which will seek their opinions on the success or otherwise of the JCSP Programme in achieving its aims/objectives.