Meitheal Graduation

Congratulations to the 6th year leaders who graduated from the Meitheal programme at the Meitheal Achievement Night in Carlow last Friday night. Meitheal is a leadership programme operating in over 20 secondary schools across the Kildare and Leighlin diocese.The Meitheal team take part in a week-long residential training programme in Castletown during the summer before their 6th year. The training explores themes such as personal development, communication, active listening, assertiveness and group dynamic, as well as practical meeting skills.
Meitheal as a programme is all about self-improvement, and leaders are encouraged to take action to make the world a better place for themselves, their local community, and the wider population.
The Meitheal leaders comprising of Natasha Ganiyu, Conor Murphy, Lorchan Dempsey, Lucas Casey Ryan, Shauna Dempsey, Luca Gheorghiu, Aimee Monahan, Rebecca Lacey and Lilly Madigan have worked very hard this year to support the first year students with the transition to secondary school and have organised many activities such as the scare night, football tournament, table quizzes, movie day and a trip to Jumpzone. They will continue to arrange events for the first years for the remainder of the school year including the end of year trip to Emerald Park.
We thank them for their dedication and commitment to the role and wish them the very best of luck in the leaving cert.