Level 2 Learning Programme (L2LP)

Level 2 Learning Programme (L2LP)

For a small number of students who enrol in St. Pauls, the traditional Junior Cycle course is not appropriate due to additional learning needs they may have. With the introduction of the  new Junior Cycle curriculum in 2014, the Department of Education introduced the Level 2 Learning Programme.

Students undertaking a L2LP are those with learning disabilities in the low mild to high moderate range of abilities. These students will benefit from an L2LP as it purposely focuses on development and learning in such areas as: elementary literacy and numeracy, language and communication, mobility and leisure skills, motor coordination and social and personal development. 

It is envisaged that as far as possible the students under consideration here who are in mainstream settings will undertake their L2LPs in mainstream classes. Of course there may be occasions when small group or one-to-one teaching is more appropriate. Occasionally there may be a student undertaking L2LPs for whom recognition of learning in one or two subjects at Level 3 is also accessible. 

There are five PLU’s (Priority Learning Units) and two short courses undertaken to achieve full Level 2 certification.

The PLU’s or subjects studied are:

  • Literacy  and Communications
  • Numeracy
  • Personal Care
  • Living in the Community
  • Preparing for Work

With short courses in:

  • Animal Care
  • Grow it, Cook it, Eat it.

Students in St. Pauls who undertake the Level 2 Learning Programme do so under recommendation from a psychological/educational report, in conjunction with parental consent and information from feeder primary schools. It is a highly individualised programme which requires support from both mainstream classroom teachers and resource teachers. 

The L2LP assessment takes the form of student portfolios of work which are assessed in school in third year.

For further information, please contact the DEN Department.