MOCKS – EXAMS 2019: Procedures
The Mock Leaving and Junior Cert Exams will be held in the school starting on Tuesday 22nd January for Leaving Certs and Wednesday 23rd January for Junior Certs.
These exams are a valuable preparation for the exams in June. They give students an opportunity to gain experience in answering exam questions properly, to make proper use of time and how to perform under pressure. In order to gain maximum benefit from these tests it is important that students approach them in a disciplined way.
Students are asked to observe the following rules:
- Students must make themselves aware of the times of each exam and what they need to bring with them on the day.
- Students should be seated in their designated seats at the beginning of each exam.
- Students should have all the necessary equipment for each exam including answer paper.
- Students are provided with a cover sheet for their exams.
- Students must be in proper uniform for all exams. Students not in full uniform will be removed from the exam hall.
- All students must stay for the full duration of each exam and must give all their time to answering the paper in front of them, including going back over their answers when they are finished. Students are not permitted to study for the next exam.
- Eating and drinking in the exam hall is not allowed. Students must keep the area around their appointed seats litter free.
- If a student does not have an exam on a particular day then he or she must stay at home to study at that time.
- At the end of each exam students must leave the school quietly. Do not disturb other classes in the school. If an exam finishes earlier than the usual school finishing time, parents should make the necessary transport arrangements.
- Respect the right of every student to do his or her exam without disturbance.