European Tour CoronaVirus update
Dear parent/guardian
Please see the below statement from the Tour Operator for the upcoming school Tour:
“The current security status as issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs is “Normal precautions” which is the minimum/normal security status.
If someone chooses not to travel due to fear or concerns over the virus then this is not insurable as it is classed as ‘disinclination to travel’ and comes under page 9 on the insurance document – curtailment due to the fear of an epidemic or pandemic.
If the security status changes to “Do not travel” from the Department of Foreign Affairs then this will be reviewed by the insurance company but not before then. Each case is looked at on an individual basis and they will aim to be fair and reasonable.
I hope you understand that we have paid most of our suppliers or are committed by contract to pay them in full. Unfortunately, therefore we are not in a position to change our current cancellation policy.
Please also note that due to the large number of students travelling on each tour, we are unable to deal individually with parents/guardians. If they contact us directly, we will refer them back to the school.
We will obviously be keeping a close eye on the situation and will keep you updated as more information comes in.”
Seán Keenan
Geography and Business Department