24/9/21: St Paul’s Covid-19 Response Plan
31/8/21: please click on the following links:
20/8/21: Back to school advice for Post Primary Students
26/2/21: Letter from Deputy Chief Medical Officer to parents and guardians
25/2/21: St Paul’s Covid-19 Response Plan
DES Letter to Parents and Guardians
4/2/21: Unlimited Data
Given the recent nationwide level 5 restrictions announced, mobile providers have confirmed they will continue to provide learners with affordable unlimited mobile data packages during this time. Please see the attached flyer.
29/1/21: Free Library Services
Irish Libraries are providing a number of services to families who are not able to get to the library because of the pandemic. Below you will find a link to the Libraries Ireland where members of the public can get a temporary pin allowing them to access these free online services.
https://lgma.iii.com/selfreg (online form)
www.librariesireland.ie/ elibrary
22/1/21: Remote Learning Support Services for Parents & Students
21/1/21: Free counselling for adults, online and by phone
21/12/20: CMO Letter
20/12/20: Minister for Education Letter
28/10/20: HSE A parent’s guide to close contacts
21/10/20: Safe reopening UPDATE
17/09/20: Use of Face Coverings in School
Click here for Parenting strategies for the return to school: Starrs’ Anxiety talk
1. Back to school advice for post-primary students 2. Back to School Advice for Post Primary Parents
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69fIzlMXrMM&feature=youtu.be
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03RXGM1hMMI&feature=youtu.be
Some possible resources for families during Covid 19 Lockdown
Jigsaw Youth Mental Health Available Supports
This link https://resilienceguide.org/ takes you to a great resource from one of the founders of the Why Try Programme aimed at parents and building theirs and their families resilience during this time. It is free of charge during the pandemic.
HSE minding your mental health during Coronavirus
Kildare Library services
Details of further talks will follow and will also be available on www.facebook.com/kildarecountylibraryservice
and www.faceook.com/parentingsupport
-> Numbers When you Need Them During Covid 19 Kildare and West Wicklow V4.pdf