Author: St Pauls

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LC King Lear

6th year English Trip- King Lear  All Leaving Cert students recently enjoyed a production of...

•TYC Young Social Innovators are running an Art competition to promote Bee conservation and biodiversity....

Scare Night…

“Before the midterm break our 1st year students attended a Scare night hosted by their...


A fantastic start to Science Week 2024 with an exciting visit from Dale Leonard, PhD...

LCA1 J14 trip

The LCA1 class recently visited J14 as part of their Hotel, Catering and Tourism module. ...

UL Open Day

5th year students attending the University of Limerick Open Day. Students had a great time...

5th Biology

Fifth Year Biology students investigating enzyme activity as part of their mandatory activities for Senior...

 5th year PE

 5th year PE this week, showing off their best gymnastic moves!

Senior Soccer

Well done to Our Senior Soccer team who earned their first point of the League...

Photography Club

Our school’s Photography Club is showing off some amazing talent this week with their first...

World Languages Day

On the 23rd of September we celebrated World Language’s Day here in St.Paul’s.Various competitions were...

TY Tidy Towns work

St. Paul’s TY students work weekly with Monasterevin Tidy Towns. This week we received new...

Indoor Cycle Against Suicide

Well done to St. Paul’s Headstrong Ambassadors who successfully organised an Indoor Cycle Against Suicide competition from...

Anti-Bullying Week

A massive well done to St Paul’s Headstrong Ambassadors who delivered an Anti-bullying lesson to all...

VSWare instructions

App information (available in the Apple and Google app stores) Please go to where you can...

All-Ireland win

Congratulations to St Paul’s JC History students who won the All-Ireland HTAI History Table Quiz...

JCSP Success

We celebrated the success of our JCSP students on Wednesday 10 May. These students worked...

Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week

The students and staff of St Paul’s celebrated Wellbeing Week from 25th-28th April.  A variety...

Monasterevin Youth Action…/pfbid02hGRsDGGEWQYLZEHzggwV…/ MYA will hold a Registration/Open night for 2023 at our premises from 7.30pm on...