Attendance Awareness Week
October is Attendance Awareness Month. We as a school and committee are trying to encourage students to be in attendance at all times unless they have valid reasons not to be in school. Our overall aim is make sure our students have at least 95% attendance, if not perfect attendance.
Each week the Attendance Committee is hosting a couple of competitions, BE IN TO WIN and BE HERE TO HEAR. On a random day each week, a random classroom is chosen at a random time in the day, a number is chosen from 1-30, we then count the students and whoever we land on at number 30 wins two cinema ticket coupons. So far a TY and 5th Year student have been lucky enough to win the prize. You simply have to BE IN TO WIN. Alongside this competition we are playing snippets from a film/song twice in the week, all students have to do is put their guess, their name and class onto a slip of paper and pop it into our competition box outside the Assembly Hall. They can enter as many times as they like, you simply have to BE HERE TO HEAR. So far a lucky 2nd Year student, Mary Boland (pictured) has been successful. Please encourage maximum attendance!!
October is Attendance Awareness Month. We as a school and committee are trying to encourage students to be in attendance at all times unless they have valid reasons not to be in school. Our overall aim is make sure our students have at least 95% attendance, if not perfect attendance.