Monthly Archive: October 2023

Young Scientist

A massive congratulations to the two 5th year groups from Ms. Woods Young Scientist class...

Maths week 2023

Well done to all students who took part in maths week last week, particularly our...

Open Evening 2023

The open evening for 6th class pupils and their parents/guardians is on Thursday 19th October...

Prefects 23/24

Congratulations to all of our prefects chosen on their ability to lead others and their...

St Paul’s Golf

Massive congratulations to Killian Christie and Naoise Walsh who became the first representatives of our...

VSWare instructions

App information (available in the Apple and Google app stores) Please go to where you can...

Under 19 Soccer

Our Senior Soccer team faced Colaiste Eanna from Rathfarnham today in the first round of...